Saturday, April 24, 2010


What art thee, Pradas?

Your article Hamming it up (April 4) is misleading on several counts despite seemingly good intentions to promote amateur radio:

·The frequency 142.800 MHz. used by Pradas is not within the allocation of amateur frequencies issued worldwide by ITU.

·This is a commercial undertaking and therefore in violation of amateur creed as defined by ITU as follows:
A service of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried on by amateurs, that is, by duly authorised persons interested in radio techniques solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
·In the case of Pradas, the so-called callsigns are issued by them and not by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) as in the case of amateur licenses.

·Since it is a commercial service provided after due payment of an annual fee, it may not be fettered with the strict disciplinary rules of operating without any pecuniary interest. Also there is a strict restriction of third party traffic rule. In amateur radio, it means that a non-licensed amateur cannot key the microphone and talk on the amateur band.
·Pradas may be providing a first step towards becoming a legitimate amateur with a proper B licence issued by MCMC after passing the written examination. Without proper qualifications, Pradas cannot call themselves hams when they are not even on amateur frequencies.

·The Malaysian Amateur Radio Society is the official registered society and a member of International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 (IARURegion 3), and ensures that amateur radio operation in Malaysia conforms to the acceptable rules worldwide, and supervised by MCMC.

Under the present circumstances, Pradas operates a commercial service that does not fall within the ambit of the acceptable definition of amateur radio. At best it provides the equivalent of a kopi-o licence that short circuits the radio amateur examination and the attendant strict procedures and restrictions imposed on licensed amateurs.

Sangat Singh
Ex-director of IARU Region 3
(Licensed since 1962)

1 comment:

FTDX400 said...

Under the present circumstances, Pradas operates a commercial service that does not fall within the ambit of the acceptable definition of amateur radio. At best it provides the equivalent of a kopi-o licence that short circuits the radio amateur examination and the attendant strict procedures and restrictions imposed on licensed amateurs....

Saya amat tertarik dgn kata-kata beliau saperti diatas...
The intension is good but the way they run it is questionable and misleading....
Mungkin ada yang kurang setuju dengan penjelasan diatas namun semua orang berhak menyuarakan hak mereka...apa-apa pun yang penting adalah ILMU...mana kan sama dibandingkan orang yang berilmu dgn orang yang tidak berilmu....